Do you remember the old "Tom & Jerry" cartoons? Man, I used to love those when I was a kid. A particular episode comes to mind today when Tom was sleeping and Jerry used toothpicks to try to keep his eyelids open. Painful? Yes, but dang, if it worked I wouldn't put it past myself to at least try it on days like today. No amount of coffee seems to give me the kick in the pants that I need. Good thing I don't know where the toothpicks are...
Why so tired, you ask? Well, we have a 7 month old. That should explain a lot. "Oh," you say. "Shouldn't he be sleeping through the night by now?" To which I reply, with grinding teeth and a slight bit of steam percolating out of my head, "YOU THINK??!!!???" We are on day four of Isaac waking up about every 3-4 hours. He hasn't done this since he was a month old. Usually when I put him down for the night at 7:30 or 8:00 he is out till at least 3:00AM or 4:00AM. But he has been on this crazy, "Hey ya'll!! Let's wake up and see how long it takes me to fall back asleep! It will be fun!! Whose taking bets??"
I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, but about two weeks ago I was hanging out with Isaac in his room. He was playing in his crib and I was reading in the rocking chair. Out of the corner of my eye I start to see this little head peek up. I look over and Isaac has pulled himself up holding onto the top railing of his crib. The kid was standing up!! He was 6 months old at the time! Even more startling than that was the fact that the railing was up to the middle of his chest. Perfect topple over the railing situation. So, the next day Marcus lowered his crib to the bottom rung. All that to say, now when I put him down for bed, half the time he wakes up when I lay him down. Not sure if the extra two feed did anything to the atmosphere rolling around his head, but hey, ANYTHING right now is a culprit.
He's growing so fast, his brain is taking in so much new information, he's learning so much...the list goes on. I'm pretty convinced that his brain is just going a million miles an hour and his body is on overdrive growing that he just can't fully rest. Yeah...we will stick with that.
Until then, keep all toothpicks out of my reach...