I think I have mentioned before that I am quite the Peeping Tom when it comes to blogs. I absolutely love looking in on peoples lives, see how they decorate their homes, how they arrange their days, what they are wearing, how they cook a perfect pot of wonderful edibles, and so on. I have gleaned quite a bit and been inspired by many creative types. I'm first to admit that I'm not very adventurous or creative, but dang, I can copy the crap out of them.
So here are a few of my favorite sites that I visit. Some of the people I know, some I don't. But they are all tons of fun and quite inspiring.
Design*SpongeA few months ago my wonderful cousin/sister Rebecca & her equally amazing husband Tim came down to visit us and meet Sir Isaac. We were driving around Nashville in the rain when they issued a huge blow...my all time favorite magazine, Domino, was going out of print. WHAT?!? I was devastated, I tell you...DEVASTATED. No more skipping out to the mail box to behold a glorious light beaming out of the cracks to see my lovely Domino sitting there patiently for me. Overreacting? Ohhh yeah, but seriously, was quite sad that it was going away.
So a few months later I stumbled upon a fantastic new site that takes the place of Domino quite nicely. AND it's updated EVERY DAY! No more waiting a month to find out how to decorate my coffee table or how to make an entire Thanksgiving meal in an hour. Oh sisters, it is glorious!
Dooce.comI have never met this woman but I want to be her best friend. Heather Armstrong, aka Dooce, is brilliant. Aside from her religious views (she's a recovering Mormon who...well...let's just say she's not a fan) I relate to her on so many different levels. Her husband, Jon, is a carbon copy of Marcus and she has a way with words that leaves me laughing so hard my nose runs. She makes motherhood funny because, let's face it, sometimes being a mom can be freaking hard. She is also an amazing photographer and takes a daily picture of her dog, Chuck, who can balance almost anything on his head.
Dreams of Genevieve I have no idea how I came across her blog, but I truly appreciate Jenni Simmons' writing, style, outlook on life, photography and overwhelming love of books and tea/coffee. She did a story on an artist that I've been working with and it's been fun following her and getting fantastic book recommendations from her via her GoodReads link. She's a lovely soul with talent to boot...
Momversation I found this site via dooce.com and boy is it fun! It's 7-8 minute videos of various mom bloggers talking about all sorts of topics. They are funny, interesting, and just a good distraction for a few minutes.
Daily RoutinesThis site hasn't been updated in quite a while, but I have really enjoyed it. Like I said before, I love to peek into the lives of others to see how they organize their day. Maybe it's because I work from home and don't have the structure of an office life like I used to have. But I love to see how other writers map out their day and get some insight into how they do what they do. This might not interest you all, but I find it quite fun :)
I am not a big baker but after finding this site I sure want to be! I haven't looked into who this gal is or her background, but dang, she makes some fun stuff! Everything looks so good and is photographed beautifully. It makes me think, "Dang, maybe I COULD make that without it turning out to be total crap."
I used to work with Sarah at EMI. We both left within months of each other and, sadly, I haven't seen much of her since. But when I found out she had started a website with her amazing (and I mean AMAZING) photography I was allll over it. She is hilarious and insightful...and her two kids are absolutely adorable.
Well, that's it for now. Enjoy peeping in on some of these sites and let me know what you think! BTW, I have no idea why the comment section doesn't work. That's what you get for writing on a free blog :)