I'm walking rather quietly this morning because Isaac has been napping very lightly today. By now he has usually taken a good three hour nap swaying back and forth in his swing, but not today. It's funny because he does not nap well in his crib during the day, but sleeps quite peacefully in there at night. Not sure how that came about, but we are OK with it. My thought is, if he sleeps well in the swing during the day, let him sleep in the swing!
For the last three nights he has been waking up at around midnight, which is vary rare for him. Usually he sleeps from 7:30PM till at least 2:30AM when he eats and then sleeps till about 6:30AM. When he's gotten up at midnight, it's not a full awake kind of thing...rather we stick the binky back in his mouth and he instantly drifts back to sleep. He does this twice within a half hour of each other and then he's out. Marcus and I have a system down where he gets up with him first and feeds him a bottle and I get up with him in the morning. Works pretty well for us. A few weeks ago Isaac actually slept through the night. Has it happened since then? No. BUT there IS hope!!! I know he can and will do it again.
Some of my most precious memories with my son have been when I nurse him to sleep at night. While I haven't read much in regards to parenting (I'm a "mother's instinct" kind of gal) most of the books say not to rock your baby to sleep, but it is one of my treasured times with Isaac. We read "Goodnight Moon" which, believe it or not, he loves even at three months. His eyes fix on the page, his little mouth puckers up and his chubby arms and legs start moving with excitement. We read a prayer from his little prayer book and then he eats. While he's eating and drifting off to sleep, I pray over him. I'm normally not a very emotional gal, but this time brings about tears of complete and overwhelming love that I cannot explain. It's in this beautiful time that I tell those "experts" to take a hike and I will certainly rock my son to sleep. I wouldn't trade that time for the world.
Our house feels very homey today. Not that it doesn't normally, but the main level is tidy (although I do need to vacuum...this dog hair is out of control!) and I'm slow cooking a pot roast for dinner tonight, per the request of my husband. He loves my pot roast, which makes me feel rather domesticated. If he has roast somewhere else, he always leans over and says, "Yours is so much better." Ahh, never thought that would make me so happy :)
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